Trying the Game

The Game of Humanity traces the path of Mankind from the Beginning of Time to the Here Now — and beyond! Here are four ways to learn more about the game:

1. Self-Guided Tour: Point-and-click your way around the board to preview the game content. Start from Scratch (bottom-right) and finish near the stop sign (top-middle), as players do, or go in any order that interests you.


2. Flyover: Click the play button to fly over the key events of the last 13.7 billion years — and the next 100! (3 minutes)

3. Human Nature Challenge: Click “Aid or Raid” to test different strategies in a Game of Humanity version of the Prisoner’s Dilemma. (3 minutes)

4. Play the Game: Click “Play” to play The Game of Humanity. It’s free and has no ads!